Stop Holding Back Foundation is a charity dedicated to helping people who stutter find careers.

Facts & Figures
Employers rate verbal communication as the most important skill for job candidates
(National Association of Colleges and Employers, 2016)

Over 70% of people who stutter reported that they believed their chances of being hired or promoted were significantly reduced because of stuttering.
(National Association of Colleges and Employers, 2016)
Some people who stutter have reported that they have even declined job offers and promotions because of their stuttering.

How many people stutter? More than 70 million people worldwide stutter, which is about 1% of the population. In the United Kingdom, that's over 660, 000 people.
Our mission is to reach those who need our support.
This is a FREE and open invitation to people who stutter to socialise and share experiences.
Our Impact
Callum Scofield is a teacher and comedian who went through the stop holding back program and is now a SHB mentor helping others who stutter build confidence, self-esteem and the courage to make the most of themselves despite stuttering.
Career Mentorship
Search our staff database for a mentor who can help you find a career.
Read our Mentor and Mentee Guidelines before you apply here

This talk from Ruban Pillai (Trustee) aims to help everyone understand how challenging stuttering can be, both psychologically and emotionally, as these aspects are often overlooked when discussing stuttering.
What people don’t see is that the fear of stuttering can dictate almost every decision a person makes.
At SHB we have created a casual and easygoing environment where you can unwind and socialise with other people who stutter after a long day at work.
Many of us have attended more traditional meet-ups which can have a clinical atmosphere. We are a bit different and are people first & the topic of stuttering second :)
Locations vary but will be announced a week before each event as we explore various food halls and markets around London!

Our Self-help Video Program
How will this course help you?
This 4 Hour+ video program is regularly updated with new material allowing you to adopt our continuous improvement mentality.
Lifetime access to our video program, where you will learn the physical and psychological tools and techniques we use daily to work on our speech.
Access to the instructors via our dedicated Facebook support group.
Active video Q&A sections. We will answer all your questions promptly!